Election Commission took orders from Putrajaya, Ambiga tells Bersih tribunal - ( M4L4YS14 )

Bersih co-chair Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan said the Election Commission (EC) acted under the instructions of Putrajaya when it should have acted as an independent body.

In her statement as the last witness in the People’s Tribunal in Subang Jaya today, Ambiga stressed that the EC had taken a partisan approach when making statements.

“EC acted like they were under Putrajaya’s control. I have problems with the commission for their failure in giving proper explanations on the issues surrounding the electoral roll and others under their purview,” she said.

She added that the commission does not say anything when election-related issues cropped up.

“They failed to fulfil their responsibilities to investigate political violence and other serious allegations during GE 13,” said Ambiga.

She told the tribunal the EC’s sole responsibility was election matters.

“If they have not got it right, it just shows their lack of empowerment,” said Ambiga.

Among the issues brought to the panellists’ attention were the problems of the electoral roll which do not tally with the data kept by the National Registration Department, the indelible ink, phantom voters as well as  postal voters. Ambiga said the EC had failed Malaysians on the indelible ink issue.

“They cannot do this and give wishy-washy answers. They are just letting it fade away and hope everybody will forget all about it.

”Many questions were not answered. This is not right,” she said.

“EC should be the one advising the government, not following their orders,” said Ambiga.

She said EC should be independent as they managed the selection process of the party that would form the next government.

The attitude of the EC leadership, like its deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar, was also raised as he was seen to always criticise the opposition.

“It’s like their hands were tied,” Ambiga said.

One of the panel members, Professor Madya Dr Mavis Puthucheary, later said the tribunal should focus on how to improve the EC structure instead of only looking at the weaknesses of its members.

“Our role here is not to criticise the EC but to improve the system. Maybe their hands were really tied legally,” said the Universiti Malaya Faculty of Economics and Administration former associate professor.

Ambiga is the last witness in the tribunal which started on Sept 18 and ended today.

Among other witnesses today was former Kuala Selangor MP Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad.

Ambiga in one of her statements said it would be difficult to remove the members in the EC because they were appointed by the King.

Ambiga gave her statement to a packed room. Also seen at the tribunal today was Bersih co-chair Datuk A Samad Said. – September 22, 2013.

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